
Ipusukilo Pastoral Visit

Ipusukilo Pastoral Visit

Ndola Diocese  Director of Pastoral Fr. Mateo Mumba OFM Conv. administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 28 Parishioners at Ipusukilo Parish in Kitwe on the Second Sunday of Easter.  Fr. Mumba represented the Apostolic Administrator Archbishop elect Most Rev. Dr Alick Banda. Fr. Mumba belongs to the Order of Friars Minor Convetual yet he is the Director of Pastoral for the Diocese. This indicates how united our  Diocese is.


In the picture on the left  is Fr. Mumba being welcomed by the Parish Executive and other Parishioners.

Parishioners singing the Gloria. There was beautiful clapping dancing and  ululation.

On the left is Parish Priest Fr. Katongo proclaiming the Gospel during Mass and on the right is  Fr. Mumba giving a homily.

Fr. Mumba administering the Sacrament of confirmation and consecrating the Holy Eucharist.


End of the Eucharistic celebration and Parishioners leaving the church to go and announce the gospel and the unity of the Diocese.

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