
Diaconate Ordination 2024

Diaconate Ordination 2024

Today, July 27, 2024, St. Antonio Fasani Parish in Pamodzi witnessed a significant event as three candidates were ordained to the diaconate. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, JCD, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ndola. The ceremony was graced by the harmonious voices of the choir from St. Lawrence Parish in Mufurila.

The event saw a large turnout of clergy, religious, and lay faithful, filling the church and extending to tents outside. In his homily, Archbishop Phiri reminded the candidates namely; Katongo Mukuka, Vianney Kasonde Mutale, and William of the critical roles they would now assume within the Church. He emphasized the importance of humility and dedication in their ministry, urging them to remain focused on their spiritual duties and service to the community.

This ordination marks a new chapter in the lives of the deacons, who are now entrusted with the responsibilities of serving the Church and its members with compassion and integrity.