Catechetical Syllabi for the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage
The Catechetical department has finally published Catechetical syllabi for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage in order to streamline and harmonise the content of faith as taught across the diocese.
The syllabi are already in circulation and can be accessed in deaneries from respective deans and at the diocesan offices at a fee of K30 each. The department has also published brochures on the seven sacraments.
The Diocese through the Catechetical department has also introduced ‘The School of the Faith’ – a Vatican accredited Catechetical program which is aimed at providing sound formation for catechism teachers. The School this year will be held at Mt. Olivet Centre in Mufulira and will be spread across three contacts: 8th – 13th April, 19th – 24th August and 8th – 12th December 2019.
This is a certificate programme and will cover the following courses:
Basic Introduction to the Faith
Sacred Scripture
One God, Father of Men
Jesus Christ, Son of God and of Mary
The Holy Spirit and the Church
Liturgy and Sacraments
Life in Christ
The Commandments
Enrollment forms have been sent to parishes and can be accessed from Parish Priests.
For further information and inquiries write to the Catechetical Manager at: