
Bishop Lee’s Visit to Ndola Diocese.

Bishop Lee’s Visit to Ndola Diocese.

On April 26, 2024, an auspicious event unfolded at the Curia Pastoral Offices in Ndola, as Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, Bishop of Ndola Diocese, welcomed Bishop Mathaias Lee of Suwon Diocese, Korea. This encounter marked a continuation of the partnership between the two dioceses, which have collaborated on various developmental projects in the past. The arrival of Bishop Lee and his entourage was met with joyful song and dance by the Ba Buomba at the car park, reflecting the warm reception awaiting them. Upon entering the offices, Bishop Phiri, along with the Vicar General Very Rev. Fr. Lewis Mutachila and other senior staff members, extended a heartfelt welcome. The meeting proceeded behind closed doors in the conference room. Following the meeting, Bishop Lee and his delegation toured the offices and cathedral grounds, immersing themselves in the rich history and mission of the Ndola Diocese. The day concluded with a convivial luncheon, providing an opportunity for Bishop Lee and his entourage to engage with the Curia staff in a relaxed setting, fostering friendship and camaraderie across continents.