
Bishop Banda’s Homily, Thursday, 4th Week, Year 2.

Bishop Banda’s Homily, Thursday, 4th Week, Year 2.

Today, in our First Reading, we read about the passing on of David. His death calls to mind that where there is a meeting or coming together, there will also be an end and parting. Of course the pain of parting company cannot be compared to the joy of meeting again.

When we reflect on David’s life we may say that his greatness and goodness outweighs his sinfulness. As he lay dying, he urges his son Solomon to be courageous and responsible: “Be faithful to the Lord and follow His ways, keep His laws, commandments and decrees as written in the Law of Moses”.

David spells out the ideals he hopes Solomon will strive for. His counsel to Solomon is good counsel for us all to be courageous and responsible in all that we are entrusted with. After that counsel David passes on to sleep with his ancestors. David parts company with his people of this world, but goes to meet with his people of the next world, what a joyful meeting.

In the gospel, Jesus gives his disciples a preview of their future life as fore-bearers of the good news. They are to trust in the generosity of those who receive the good news. Following the example of Jesus, they preached repentance, cast out demons, anointed the sick with oil and healed them. What they did is continued today in and by the Church

Jesus has entrusted a specific mission to each and every one of us. Let us pray that we will recognize our mission, and we will have the faith and courage to set off on that trajectory to accomplish it. When at long last we are called back to our Eternal Father we shall be amazed at how much the Lord Himself would have accomplished the mission entrusted to us on our behalf. Because without Him we can do nothing.

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