
Bishop Banda’s Homily, Monday of the octave of Easter

Jesus is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! He has conquered death and He lives forever! He instructs Mary Magdalene to tell His disciples to meet with Him in Galilee.

Galilee is the native place of both Jesus and His disciples. They all come from there. Galilee is the ‘home ground’ so to speak. Equally, the mission of Jesus started in Galilee;however, it ended in Judea. With His crucifixion, it all seemed as if it had come to an end. As a result an excruciating question ensued: What next after this tragedy; where do they begin from anew; and whom are they to consult?

However, Christ gives them an answer intrinsically that life should go on. Surely, the first phase of His mission has come to a close with His death; however with His resurrection the second phase has just begun. That is the reason they ought to go back to their origins;their beginning; to the drawing board – so to speak. Their origin and ‘drawing board’ is Galilee.

Their experiences of the Lord will have to be lived and practiced first and foremost in their places of familiarity and indeed in their native place – Galilee. We too are invited to share our life changing experiences here and now, where we are: in our homes, in our work places, in our communities in particular and in society in general. That is our “Galilee”where we ought to live out our life changing experiences that have left deep and lasting Impressions in our lives.

As the women at the tomb are commissioned to go and proclaim to the disciples that Jesus is Risen. Each one of us is commissioned to practice our experiences of the Risen Lord in“Galilee” – that is in our areas of familiarity. These include among others our family members, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

The Lord goes ahead of us to Galilee awaiting us. He goes ahead of us in all the places that we journey to and find ourselves in and He would meet us there!! What a surety we have in the Lord so enriching! He goes before us, assuring us of His presence in all that we do. Indeed, it is His mission and we are merely co-workers in His vineyard, Alleluia.

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