Author: Webadmin

Archbishop Banda’s Holy Thursday – 2018

Today, we begin the Easter Triduum – the three days when we recall and remember the great events of our salvation in Jesus Christ – His crucifixion, death, burial and Resurrection. Tonight we trek back into our history, to the Cenacle – the Upper Room, where on this Holy Thursday Jesus instituted the Eucharist and […]

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Bishop Banda’s Homily for Chrism Mass

May I welcome and express my appreciation to you all who serve the Lord and our people so well in the pastoral ministry as witnesses of our faith. The clergy, the consecrated, religious men and women, thank you most sincerely. Special thanks to you the lay men and women and our youths present today and those […]

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Palm Sunday Celebration-[ in Pictures]

Palm Sunday Celebration-[ in Pictures]

The Cathedral of Christ the King Celebrated Palm Sunday with Archbishop Elect Dr. Alick Banda. Mass began outside, where readings where taken and  the Bishop blessed the Palms that the parishioners waved in the air.   Later a procession was done in to the church, symbolizing the triumph entry of Jesus Christ in to Jerusalem. […]

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Bishop Banda’s Homily, Palm Sunday, Year B

Today, we celebrate the Triumph Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. With this celebration we begin the Holy week, in which we are invited to reflect deeply on the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our procession with Palms at the beginning of the Eucharist is an image of our interior journey […]

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