Author: Webadmin



Today, 23rd July 2022, Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD – Bishop of Ndola Diocese has ordained 5 candidates to the Diaconate. The colorful mass took place at the Cathedral of Christ the King grounds in Ndola. During his homily, his Lordship Bishop Phiri warned them of the dangers and challenges that come as a […]

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Deacons-to-be make Oaths.

Deacons-to-be make Oaths.

Today, 22nd July 2022, a special ceremony was held at the Diocesan Curia Offices in Ndola, during which, the Deacons-to-be made and signed oaths in preparation for their ordination as Deacons tomorrow. The oaths were made in the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD- Bishop of Ndola Diocese, Vicar General- Very Rev. Fr. […]

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