
Chingola Deanery welcomes Bishop Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD

Chingola Deanery welcomes Bishop Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD

On 14th November 2020, Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri – Bishop of Ndola, continued his familiarization tour of the diocese and visited Chingola deanery. He began his visit with the blessing of the Tabernacle at Holy Saviour Parish, Chibwempala. He was welcomed by Rev. Fr. Henry Tyola and Rev. Fr. Katongo Nkole . He then later proceeded to Don Bosco Technical College grounds where he was welcomed by the Vicar Forane- Rev. Fr. Martin Bwalya and all the priests of the deanery. He then Preceded to celebrate a very colorful and vibrant mass with the lay-faithful that had gathered from the 7 different parishes of the deanery. After mass he proceeded for a luncheon with leaders of the parishes, who each gave a report to the Bishop. Below are some highlight of the events.