
Delayed Opening of the Major Seminaries

Delayed Opening of the Major Seminaries

To: All Local Ordinaries

Cc: – The Apostolic Nuncio;
– Secretary General of ZCCB;
– Rectors of Major Seminaries

From: Rt. Rev. Justin Mulenga – Chairman of the Commission on Seminaries

Date: 4th January 2018

Re: Delayed Opening of the Major Seminaries

Your Excellencies,

I refer you to the above subject.

After consultations with the Rectors and staff of the three Major Seminaries namely; Emmaus, St. Augustine’s and St. Dominic’s, and following the Government’s suspension of the School calendar national-wide due to the outbreak of Cholera in Lusaka, I write to inform you that the opening of the Second Semester has been postponed to a date to be confirmed later. In the meantime, the tentative dates for opening will either be 2nd or 9th February 2018. This means that the usual Seminary calendar will be disturbed by a few weeks. The Seminary however, will do everything possible to recover the time that will be lost.

Wishing you, nonetheless, God’s blessings in this New Year!

Yours faithfully,

Rt. Rev. Justin Mulenga

Bishop of Mpika


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