Author: Webadmin

PMS Regional  Meeting in Malawi

PMS Regional Meeting in Malawi

 Pope Francis has set aside  October 2019 as an Extraordinary Missionary Month (EMM) to foster greater awareness of Missio Ad Gentes and animate the missionary transformation of church life and pastoral activities.  National and Diocesan Directors of Pontifical Mission Societies of Malawi and Zambia held a regional meeting in Malawi. The participants shared the best preparatory approaches […]

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Why Holiday Churches are so Small

Why Holiday Churches are so Small

Somehow, in the midst of our best attempts as leaders to challenge the powers and principalities, we have inherently set up a dynamic whereby we’ve locked ourselves out of claiming power. We are supposed to confront power, aren’t we? Name it, shame it, reframe it, but certainly don’t claim it. So how can we claim […]

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Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make

Somehow, in the midst of our best attempts as leaders to challenge the powers and principalities, we have inherently set up a dynamic whereby we’ve locked ourselves out of claiming power. We are supposed to confront power, aren’t we? Name it, shame it, reframe it, but certainly don’t claim it. So how can we claim […]

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Prophecy for Beginners and how to start

Prophecy for Beginners and how to start

Somehow, in the midst of our best attempts as leaders to challenge the powers and principalities, we have inherently set up a dynamic whereby we’ve locked ourselves out of claiming power. We are supposed to confront power, aren’t we? Name it, shame it, reframe it, but certainly don’t claim it. So how can we claim […]

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God Will Renew Your Joy in Ministry

God Will Renew Your Joy in Ministry

Somehow, in the midst of our best attempts as leaders to challenge the powers and principalities, we have inherently set up a dynamic whereby we’ve locked ourselves out of claiming power. We are supposed to confront power, aren’t we? Name it, shame it, reframe it, but certainly don’t claim it. So how can we claim […]

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