Author: Webadmin

Easter Sunday- 2022

Easter Sunday- 2022

Christ is risen!! Halleluiah!!! Today, 17th April 2022, and a special eucharist celebration was celebrated by the Bishop of Ndola, Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri JCD at the Cathedral of Christ the king In Ndola. The lay-faithful today gathered with Joy to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ who has risen from the Dead. His resurrection […]

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Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil Mass

Holy Saturday- Easter Vigil Mass

Today, 16th April 2022, is Easter Vigil. The lay-Faithfull gathered in the night to wait on the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. A special mass was conducted by the Bishop of Ndola- Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, JCD at the Cathedral of Christ the King to celebrate his triumphant victory of our Lord Jesus […]

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Good Friday Service- 2022

Good Friday Service- 2022

Today, 15th April 2022, is Good Friday. A Good Friday is the day on which we commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ. It is the only day of the year when the Church does not celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At the Cathedral of Christ, the King, the day began with […]

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Today, 14th April 2022, marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. At the Cathedral of Christ, the King, a special mass was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, JCD, in commemoration of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. During the last supper Jesus instituted the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Priesthood. Jesus also […]

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