
Archbishop-elect Banda’s Pastoral visit to Resurrection Parish.

Archbishop-elect Banda’s Pastoral visit to Resurrection Parish.

Archbishop-elect Banda’s Pastoral visit to Resurrection Parish, Kapisha – Chingola [ in Pictures]

Archbishop-elect Dr. Alick Banda visited resurrection parish in Kapisha on the 3rd Sunday Of Lent, 4th January 2017.

The Bishop celebrated Mass with the faithful  who braved the rains.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr. George Koama welcomed the Bishop and thanked him for the visit.

Bishop Banda in his homily emphasized the need, especially during this Lenten Season, to allow Jesus to clear out the money- changers we keep in our hearts, just He did in today’s readings as narrated  in John 2:13-25. He preached on un-forgiveness and how it leads to more suffering and opens us up to more sinful acts and  thoughts.

Mass ended on a high note with appreciation to the Bishop from Rev. Fr. George Koama. Fr Kaoma  thanked the Bishop for taking time to visit the parish., even with his work load.  Bishop Dr. Alick Banda offered to sink a borehole at the Parish. There was cheering and ululations from the parishioners who have been grappling with luck of clean running water at their Parish.


Excited Parishioners later surrounded the Archbishop-elect to receive a personal blessing from him.







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