
Final Profession of the Baptistine Sisters

Final Profession of the Baptistine Sisters

Today, on the 29th of June 2024, during the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the final profession of the Sisters of St. John the Baptist took place at St. Francis Parish, Wusakile, Kitwe. The Mass was celebrated by the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Ndola, Very Rev. Fr. Lewis Mutachila.
In his homily, Fr. Mutachila emphasized the importance of knowing Jesus on a personal level. He encouraged the newly professed sisters to remain true to their calling, warning them not to be distracted by mundane concerns. He urged them to resolve their challenges internally as a community and stressed the significance of forgiveness, citing that challenges are present in every vocation, whether in married life, priesthood, or consecrated life.
The Mass was a colorful celebration of faith and commitment. The sisters, namely Sr. Ethel Mwape, Sr. Elizabeth Chomba Kangwa, Sr. Elizabeth Kabwe Chalwe, Sr. Miniver Mwila Mutale, Sr. Anna Kunda Chola, Sr. Lydia Mwanza, and Sr. Ruth Zulu, made their vows at the altar, accompanied by their parents, family members, clergy, fellow sisters, and well-wishers who filled the church to capacity.
The choir’s beautiful singing added a celestial harmony to the occasion. This joyous event marked a significant milestone for the Sisters of St. John the Baptist as they embraced their sacred vows with grace and devotion.
After mass a colourful reception was held at the St. John’s Convent.