
2nd Session of the 2018-2022 Strategic Planning Workshop-[ in pictures]

2nd Session of the 2018-2022 Strategic Planning Workshop-[ in pictures]

The 2nd session of the Strategic Planning  Workshop was held in Mufurila at Kalis Mine Mess. The workshop,  which was a buildup on the 1st strategic workshop which was held earlier in September, ran for a week from the 9th to the 13th of October 2017. The BDBM Consultancy Trust Facilitated this Workshop.


The workshop was launched  by His Lordship Bishop Dr. Alick Banda with an inaugural speech in which he reviewed where the Diocese was coming from, where the Diocese is and where we would like to see it  be in future. He invited all present stakeholders to fully participate in the workshop, so as to own this process and champion it.


Bishop Banda’s Inaugural Speech

Participants  included Diocesan Senior Management , all Vicar Foranes from all 10 Deaneries, Representatives from CWO , CMO, Youth , Religious Communities, Program Managers , Diocesan Curia Staff and key Stakeholders in Catholic Institutions.

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In first two days of the workshop, participants; a combination of the Clergy, the religious and laity underwent extensive training on the planning process. This included the process of coming up with an organization’s Mission statement, Core values and Vision statement.


The workshop included session on the Fiefdom syndrome and how to overcome it.This session was concluded by looking into the organizational structure of   Catholic Diocese of Ndola. The participants also underwent a session on Change Management called “who moved my cheese”  based on a book by Dr. Spencer Johnson, that allowed participants to identify with the different approaches to change, and how people respond to change.

On day three participants where asked to take an introspective view of the Diocese as they  brainstormed on its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

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Findings from previous  Climate Survey where  also presented to the group, which brought about a tense atmosphere as  the weakness of the Diocese where presented, resulting in heated deliberations that eventually subsided as participants  accepted the  challenges placed before them.

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In the  remaining two days they worked hand and hand with the Consultants to come up with a SWOT analysis of  the Diocese. This was done in  four groups to ensure  efficiency full participation by all participates.

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The last day, was a day marked with an light atmosphere as participants worked together tirelessly to come up with the Mission statements, Vision Statements and Core values that they felt best aligned with their vision of the Diocese in the next 5 years. Presentations of work done was presented by each group and comments, clarifications  and questions where allow from all participates after each group presentation.

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The consultants then brought in the current mission statement, vision statement, core values of the Diocese and the those that the participants for the 1st session came up with and analyzed the 3 mission statements, core values and 3 vision statements, voting on what they felt they best resonated with.


Bishop Banda closed the occasion with a closing speech in which he highlighted the need for strategic planning for the Diocese but reminded the August house that the Diocese was not like other organizations and pointed out that the need for them as a church to also have an introspective view of themselves in the light of Faith. He called for re- examination and reflection upon their lives and a deeper and holistic evangelization in the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan for a much needed conversion of  hearts.


Bishop Banda’s Closing Speech

The Bishop then announced the four (4) committees that would finally come up with the strategic and implementation plan from the work done in the two workshops and champion it. The members of these committees consisted of the champions from the 1st workshop and participants from the both the 1st and 2nd workshop.

The Committees are as follows:

  1. Communication Strategy Committee
    1. Fr.Tresphor Mutale
    2. Fr. Idol Nkandu
    3. Fr. George Kaoma
    4. Mr.Bruce Kabwe
    5. Fr. Bwembya Katunasa
    6. Mrs. Angelina Chipulu
  1. Strategic Planning and Implementation Task Force
    1. Mr. Emmanual Mutati
    2. Fr. Matthew Mumba
    3. Mrs. Ann Bungoni
    4. Fr. Dominic Wabwireh
    5. Mr.Elijah Munsanje
    6. Mr. Victor Kabeleka
    7. Fr. Lewis Mutachila
    8. Fr.Francis Mukosa
  1. Change Management Champion Committee
    1. Fr.Mathew Mumba
    2. Mr. Abraham Witika
    3. Fr. Thomas Chunika
    4. Fr.Lewis Mutachila
    5. Sr. Kabula Kazembe
    6. Fr. Dominic Wabwireh
    7. Fr. Francis Mukosa
    8.  C.M.O
    9. Youth Rep
    10. All Vicar Foranes
  1. Organisational Structure Review Committee
    1. Fr. Francis Mukosa
    2. Fr. Tresphor Mutale
    3. Mr. Gilbert Mwiinga
    4. Fr. Bernard Chanda
    5. Mr.Abraham Witika
    6. Mr. Emmanuel Mutati


A closing prayer was given By The Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Tresphor Mutale and  a blessing from his Lordship Bishop Dr. Alick Banda, as the group dispersed Joyfully, after a tiresome but successful workshop.

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