Month: September 2024

Dominican Sisters Centenary Celebrations

Dominican Sisters Centenary Celebrations

The Dominican Sisters recently celebrated their centenary of service in Zambia at the Dominican Convent School in Ndola. The event attracted delegates from across Zambia and the world, highlighting the wide-reaching impact of the Sisters’ work. The celebration was led by Archbishop Dr. Benjamin Phiri of the Ndola Archdiocese and concelebrated by Rt. Rev. Charles […]

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Diaconate Ordination 2024

Diaconate Ordination 2024

Today, July 27, 2024, St. Antonio Fasani Parish in Pamodzi witnessed a significant event as three candidates were ordained to the diaconate. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, JCD, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Ndola. The ceremony was graced by the harmonious voices of the choir from St. Lawrence Parish […]

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Deacons-to-be make Oaths.

Deacons-to-be make Oaths.

Today, Thursday, July 25, 2024, during the End of Month Thanksgiving Mass for Ndola Archdiocesan Curia staff, Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Phiri, JCD, celebrated a significant moment as seminarians Katongo Mukuka, Vianney Kasonde Mutale, and William Ng’onga made their oaths. In his homily, Archbishop Dr. Phiri emphasized the significance of the vows the seminarians […]

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